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April 2017 Newsletter

Belzona in the Water & Wastewater Industry

85cm (33.5 inch) diameter control valve damaged by corrosion at a wastewater treatment plant

Belzona® repair composites and protective coatings have been developed specifically for this market with full understanding of the causes of deterioration, as well as the application and cure challenges involved. Our unique solutions are designed to fit each client’s specific needs, helping them to:

• Reduce capital expenditure

• Lower maintenance costs
• Improve efficiency and safety

• Simplify maintenance procedures

• Extend equipment and asset life

Belzona Restores Worn Archimedes Screw

Erosion and corrosion caused the edges of the archimedes screw flights to be worn down...To read more, click the link below.

HVAC and Canada make their Belzona Blog Debuts
•Top 4 Problems for Cooling Tower Maintenance, an in-depth look at this crucial part of many HVAC systems.
•Around the World in 8 Blog Posts - Canada, which explores the industrial landscape of Canada and how Belzona® is performing in the country.

Belzona® in the press this month

Cutting Down Harmful Chemicals
Published in:
PCE Interrnational (page 6)

Polymer Solutions Improve Water Systems

Published in:

Process and Control

EGAT Fan Blade Restoration

Published in:

Energy Tech Magazine

Renewable Energy Overview

Published in:

Electrical Trade Magazine

HMS Caroline

Published in:

The Engineer