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Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

A Paradoxical Approach to

Continuity AND Transformation

Why is it so difficult to keep our New Year's Resolutions?

The new year is a traditional time to reflect on what has been going well and not so well and to commit to actions we believe will enhance the physical, spiritual, intellectual and/or emotional quality of our life.  We resolve to fix things (hopefully once and for all) and commit to a course of action that requires a deliberate shift in our time, energy and/or focus.  But often it seems that no amount of certainty in the correctness or doability of a given shift will ensure we actuall achieve, let alone sustain our New Year's stretch goals.  Indeed, many of us rarely get beyond creating our list of New Year's Intentions...

Take the example of resolving to be more present for our family and friends. Reflecting back on a year with too few vacations, too many missed social gatherings, ​and feeling disconnected from the people we care deeply about, we resolve to stop working late, say, "No," to that board position, and to curb back our professional ambition and drive that has been all too consuming. 

Share Your Polarity Story

Polarities are indestructible and as old as humanity.  The principles of leveraging interdependent opposites are found throughout history in every area of successful human endeavor.  Polarity Thinking™ and the Polarity Approach To Continuity and Transformation (PACT™) is being used by a growing worldwide practice community of individual leaders, executives, consultants and organizations.  If you have a particularly wicked personal or organizational tension or have enjoyed a rousing success in leveraging a great outcome from a tough dilemma, we would love to hear and share your story.  Just e-mail or join and follow us on social media by clicking on the links below.  


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