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Celebrating Those who Toil and Serve

Here in the USA it is Labor Day. Today is a public holiday that honors all the workers who provide the products and services we depend upon to be happy, healthy and safe.

Labor workers include teachers of all kinds, factory workers, steel workers, construction people, fire and police, janitors, facility maintenance workers, bus drivers, meat packers, electricians, carpenters, auto and aerospace repair people, autoworkers, fabricators, food processors, college and university employees, and so many more.

These people spend their work lives delivering the invisible infrastructure that not only makes our lives run smooth but is the very foundation beneath our wealth, health and strength. We owe them tremendous gratitude. Today as you go about your business, take special notice of all the work it takes behind the scenes to make things go well.

You may also wish to acknowledge all you do to make your life run well: the dishes you clean up, the beds you make, the lawn work, taking care of others in your family, fixing things, and tending to odds and ends that no one will ever see but contributes to your overall well-being.

Appreciate all it takes to make our country and our lives prosper.
Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.

- Henry Ward Beecher