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Spring is in the Air!


It's been a looooong winter - but spring is definitely in the air! What makes us at the New York office of swissnex Boston so certain of that? Birdly does! This amazing project from Zurich University of the Arts is about to land at the Museum of the Moving Image (MOMI). Birdly will allow you to fly over Manhattan like a - yes, you guessed it - bird! But that's only the tip of the (thankfully melting) iceberg, as there is much more in the swissnex pipeline for the upcoming months.

Thank you for your ongoing support and interest!

The Team at the swissnex Boston New York Outpost     

April 18 - May 17
Come, Fly with Us! 

The project has amazed audiences in San Francisco, India and at the Sundance Festival; The Verge called it an "immersive and exciting experience, that turns skeptics into true believers". PCWorld said it was "the hottest ticket at the Sundance" - and now, Birdly is coming to New York City! Come visit us at the Museum of the Moving Image and make your dream of flying come true, at least for a little while.. 

May 9 - 19
Under Pressure
Over the past 10 years, a team of scientists at EPFL has researched how to shape extremely strong wood from easy-to-grow species rather than destroying tropical or equatorial forests. In May, we are bringing the results of this project to the New York Design Week. More info to follow soon on our website

June 11-12
Northside Festival

When music, innovation and film enthusiasts gather at this year's edition of the Northside Festival in Brooklyn, swissnex will be there, too. We will have our very own booth at the innovation expo, giving the crowds a taste of Swiss-made innovation and startups. Mark your calendar for the innovation expo taking place on June 11 and 12, and stay connected for more info! 


A look back 
Zimoun - Times Three!  
Three major exhibits, three openings over four days: early February was a busy month for Swiss installation artist Zimoun - as well as for the swissnex staff in New York. Known for his striking sound architecture projects around the world , Zimoun left his studio in Bern to present new and existing works at three locations around New York. Read our blog post on the openings and don't miss your chance to take in Zimoun's artwork at the Simons Center Gallery by April 9! 

Startup Corner
June 2015, Boston & NYC
Venture Leaders 2015

The members of the Swiss National Startup Team 2015 have been chosen and they are ready to take on the Big Apple! Have a first look at the participants of this year's Venture Leaders Bootcamp, coming to Boston and New York in June! 

PS: Venturelab just launched their all new Website, check it out here

Missed the Webinar? Watch it online!
Our latest CTI webinar was all about the local media scene. Watch Bonnie Halper, Editor in Chief at AlleyWatch, and Fabian Pfortmüller, Swiss entrepreneur and Co-Founder at Holstee discuss the best strategies to make it into New York media, in our recording of "The Media Vector," aired on February 4. 

Flatev's Carlos Ruiz and Sandro Meyer
Flatev in the House! 
One of our favorite moments this past month was when former participants of the CTI Market Validation Camp, Carlos Ruiz and Sandro Meyer stopped by our offices. The co-founders of Flatev were scouting for offices space of their own, along with new employees in New York City. Welcome back, Flatev

Rikke Blix Hageman of Hoosh
Welcome to New York, Hoosh! 
The Lugano-based startup is all about "meaningful numbers". As an online Marketing Intelligence Company, Hoosh combines Big Data with cutting edge technology. In March, CEO Rikke Blix Hageman was in New York City to meet with potential new partners and to get feedback on her product - to name just a few of the things on her busy agenda! 
Evgeny Milyutin of HappyNumbers
HappyNumbers on Return
CTI CAMPer Evgeny Milyutin is also back in New York and ready as ever to conquer the education sector with HappyNumbers, an innovative math learning software for primary students. This time, Evgeny will be visiting users and customers in the US to gather feedback, and build his sales team. 

Alumni Corner 
Join us for our anniversary event May 7th!
Happy Birthday, Club HEC! 
The Club HEC Lausanne in New York City is celebrating its first year of existence with a special conference on the topic of Global Banking at the NY Federal Reserve Bank on May 7th. Learn more about this event - free and open to the public, but RSVP required - here
Women on Boards
"Two management professors sort through 25 years of conflicting studies to expose what most reports ignore" wrote Lindsay Lavine of Fast Company earlier this year. Corinne Post alumna of HEC Lausanne and of University of Geneva and currently Associate Professor of Management at Leigh University is one of the two authors of "Women on boards and firm financial performance: A meta-analysis", a paper to be published in the Academy of Management Journal. Read the story in Fast Company here!


Last but not least

Solar Impulse is on its Way!
We may not be the first ones to tell you that this month another truly magnificient "bird" has taken course on New York City! Solar Impulse, a Swiss made solar-powered airplane, has taken off to circle the world with multiple legs over the next few months. And yes, New York City is one of the chosen stops. You can follow Solar Impulse here
Enter to win!
Spend your Summer in Geneva! 
Summer may not be around the corner just yet - but why not plan ahead? University of Geneva's Summer Schools offer a unique course program for those interested to get a taste of "International Geneva". Apply now  and take your chance in our competition to attend a course free of tuition
Latest News from Science Switzerland
Science Switzerland is a bimonthly electronic publication that covers the latest in Swiss science, technology, education and innovation. It's an official publication in English from a single source, featuring executive summaries that highlight education, new discoveries in science, and of the latest top-of-the-line technologies and innovational strengths of Switzerland.
Stay connected!
Let the Little Birdie Tell You..
...all about the exciting things happening at and around the swissnex Boston New York Outpost. Follow us on Twitter or get in touch with the team through email